November 27, 2013

10 Obvious Ways to make this the Best Thanksgiving Ever.

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” ~ Thornton Wilder

thanksgiving first

Relephant reads:

>> Best Thanksgiving Blog Ever.
>> A Buddhist Thanksgiving.
>> The Secret History of Thanksgiving.


“I feel a very unusual sensation—if it is not indigestion, I think it must be gratitude.” ~ Benjamin Disraeli

10 obvious, awesome Thanksgiving tips:

turkeys thanksgiving buddhist killed1. Let’s not buy a conventional turkey. Free-range doesn’t mean that much. Let’s go out of our way to support small farmers and healthy turkeys. We are what we eat. Conventional turkeys are tortured for life, no exaggeration, and we’re eating a baby and stealing said baby away from mommy and we breed them to be too fat to walk or scratch an itch. Buy a well-treated, healthy bird who gets to walk outside, or go veggie (here’s Thanksgiving recipes).

2. Right now, let’s all post on our Facebook, or text or email out…an invitation to an “orphan.” Many college kids and single folk don’t have a family to celebrate with. I should know–for years I’ve bounced around to various family dinners, and every invite has made all the difference in my life, filling me with gratitude where loneliness would have been.

3. Don’t engage in the same old toxic family relationships. Take a step back, and let go of our self-righteousness, and let go of our preconceptions of mean old Uncle Bobby or whomever.

4. Get that bike out of your parent’s garage, or wherever you’re visiting, and give it a spin. It’ll make us happy. Don’t like to bike? Go for a long walk a day, and keep the weight gain at bay.

5. Enjoy your food, bite by bite. Here’s how. Eat real food (including pumpkin and cranberries!), not too much, and mostly plants (Thanks, Mike).

6. Meditate (here’s how) in the morning. This will help us to appreciate ourselves, our loved ones, our family, and the gaps in between a sometimes-claustrophobic holiday. Or, do yoga.

happythanksgiving7. Don’t shop on Thanksgiving day, unless we need to. If we do go by the grocery or what have you, tip extra, and thank whomever helps you out, even (especially) if they’re in a bad mood. Maybe they’re stressed, broke, have a family at home without them…

8. Help someone else by doing buying the needy food (here’s a shopping list), or engaging in a random act of kindness. We may find the person we’re helping most in doing so is our own sweet tired harried selfish self.

9. Find yourself in a bad mood? Go outside. Breathe deeply, and look at the universe above, and feel the ground below, and breathe deeply again, and feel gratitude in your heart for something, anything, and breathe out, and let go.

10. Say thank you.

happiness thankful thanksgiving

Giving thanks—and meaning it—is the shortest, easiest, fun-est route to happiness ever “invented.” Let’s do so. Thank you, dear readers, for helping us get to 5.3 million readers a month, and enabling us to pay our wonderful team. We promise to remain independent, to do our best, and to mess up. Stick with us, and we’ll stick with you.

With thanks, Waylon.


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