December 19, 2013

It’s Another Day: Just Breathe.

Warning: naughty language ahead!

If the holidays are kicking your ass, you’re not alone.

If you’re feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and harried—then that’s just about right.

Do I hear imbalanced, sleep-deprived and anxious? Oh good. Nice to have some company.

Yet obstacles such as exhaustion and anxiety should not be new to us. You see, every morning, we hit the mat to practice something that is designed to perpetually keep us teetering on the brink of imbalance. Every morning, these obstacles and more threaten to kick our ass just as the holiday mayhem is doing now.

But haven’t we also learned there are things we can do to keep ourselves healthy, strong and ready for the daily task? We go to bed early, eat healthy, drink lots of water and try to abstain from activities and foods that could throw a wrench into our careful routine. We know our energy is limited, so focus on what and who is important and try not to waste our precious resources on the trivial and the toxic.

Most of all, we’ve learned that steadiness is our biggest ally.

All this practice and all those shifts and changes we’ve made are not designed to help us master kapotasana.

Well, maybe…but really, it’s so when life throws us a kapotasana or one too many jingle bells, we know what to do: and it’s exactly what we have been doing all along!

Lets face it, life is a struggle at times. Heartbreak, disappointment and worry can make getting out of bed a struggle at any hour—and the holidays can exacerbate our resources. Sure, watch Christmas shows or read hallmark cards, and you’ll think the holidays are full of cheer and goodwill—but visit any mall this weekend and you’ll see its darker side.

The holidays push all our buttons.

Many are flooded with feelings of insecurity, loneliness and sadness. Others get distracted by the lure and indulgence of fancy dressings and gift giving. All the while, holiday parties, shopping malls and perhaps a few family members threaten our health and our sanity.

Sorry. I’m not trying to spoil your eggnog. But actually, I am. In fact, I’d like you to back away from the eggnog slowly, along with a few other things you would normally not partake in.

Because in the long run, the best gifts you can give yourself is a patient steadiness along with as much faith you can muster. Be the tortoise not the hare and I promise you, you’ll even save yourself any ridiculous new year resolutions at the same time.

No need to get back on track if you never got off to begin with.

Besides, we’re used to this by now. Right?


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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: JSmith Photo/Flickr

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