January 17, 2014

No, it’s Not Double Ply Toilet Paper. But I Wish it Was. {Video}

And the Jeopardy question is: What is TPP?

TPP stands for Trans-Pacific Partnership. And, from what I understand, it’s sh*t that no amount of toilet paper can clean up.

According to Food & Water Watch, “the TPP would give corporations even more power over us by letting them sue the U.S. government over any law that threatens the corporation’s profits.”

What the f*ck?

They went on to say, “Some of the things we care about most—like sourcing local food for schools, banning fracking in our communities and labeling genetically engineered foods—are at the top of the corporate hit list.”

If the draft report were to be finalized, “President Obama’s environmental trade record would be worse than George W. Bush’s,” according to The Sierra Club.

This quick video explains more about TPP and why we should care.

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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo:  goodrob13/Flickr

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