March 24, 2014

Sexy Sunday Morning. ~ Kimby Maxson


I Love you. I love you and you are everything to me.

It is spring. It is dawn. The sun plays on your naked shoulder. I want to make you breakfast. A smoothie. I want to kiss you always.


Yes always.

I want to feel your heartbeat through my chest. I want to rub your head and drape my leg over yours while you tell me a story, write me poetry and sing to me.

Everything is alive. Everything is new. The crocus are blooming and lambs are being born. The ground is thawing and the medicine herbs are forcing their way to the light. I will make you tea. It’s time to plant the garden—I can almost taste the peas that will grow soon.

I want to forgive. I want to make smoothies and tea and a garden and love.

Let’s choose to forgive. Lets start now. Its Spring.


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Editor: Rachel Nussbaum

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

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