April 1, 2014

A Soul Refresher. ~ Melissa Horton {Sweet Sounds Ahead}


There is no happiness in life without music. Sweet, sweet tunes.

A beautiful song can move my heart and refresh my soul, from beginning to end. A personal funk broken, a depression dismantled—it matters not how deep the wounds, the perfect song (which is almost any song) changes everything. Perspectives shift, and I am reminded what’s beautiful about this life.

There are layers to be peeled back in each work of musical art; rhythm, tone, crescendos and pauses each play an integral part of what reaches our weary ears. Just like our life experiences, we have to wait patiently for what comes next. Rushing through isn’t an option, as there is the potential to miss the building of something beautiful. It may be a predictable beat with obvious lyrics, or a complicated mix—in my experience, happiness is it simply being, pure and soulful or raspy and loud.

One of my close friends has the talent to put his heart into a three minute creation, and his latest spoke to me as I struggled through a string of emotionally heavy days. I closed my eyes, listened to his words and the strum of his guitar, and was taken to a better place. Happiness.


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Editor: Rachel Nussbaum

Photo: Courtesy of author

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