April 3, 2014

Ocean Alert: The Elephants of the Sea.

photo: Thank You Ocean via deepseanews.com

I’ve mentioned before how much I love the ocean, and the many wonders hidden deep within it.

I recently started following a social media community on Facebook called “Thank You Ocean.” The description on their “About” page reads as follows:

The ocean takes care of us. Let’s return the favor. The Thank You Ocean campaign provides access to everything ocean in California…the impacts of daily decisions on ocean life, ocean conservation issues, and what to do to help the ocean.

The ocean is vital to life and touches us every day. The ocean gives so much to California: food, water, commerce, recreation, and the opportunity for quiet contemplation…yet, today the ocean is in trouble. Our ocean faces threats of pollution, marine debris, endangered populations, beach erosion, and more.

You can help. By learning about the ocean, getting involved in ocean activities and voicing your opinion to lawmakers, you can join the millions of Californians who are saying, “Thank You, Ocean!”

Scrolling through my newsfeed this morning, I was greeted by this adorable photo (above) of a happy elephant seal. This playful seal, showing his pink tongue, immediately brought a smile to my face! Doesn’t he look like he is having so much fun!?

“Thank You Ocean” posted the photo to promote the upcoming lecture and discussion being offered by The Aquarium of the Pacific on the communication and social learning of elephant seals.

The presentation is happening the evening of April 3rd at 7pm (pacific standard time). The event is open to the public for a mere five bucks (or free with reservations for members, seniors, teachers and students!)

Not a southern California resident? Don’t fret! There will be a free webcast, streaming live from the comfort of your home. You can even participate by sending questions or comments via your Twitter account. Rad.

This is a great opportunity to learn about these very large and adorable earless seals!

Elephant seals take their name from the large proboscis of the adult male (bull), which resembles an elephant’s trunk. The bull’s proboscis is used in producing extraordinarily loud roaring noises, especially during the mating season.

Check out the discussion on April 3rd, and if you find yourself falling in love with these elephants of the sea, you can go here to learn more about elephant seals and their conservation.


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Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Thank You Ocean via deepseanews.com

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