4.9 Editor's Pick
May 11, 2014

Fun Photos, Profound Reminder.

Nobody gets out of life alive. And that’s a beautiful thing:

Before and after: Illustration by Fulvio Alejandro


“By this merit may all attain omniscience…may it defeat the enemy, wrong-doing…from the stormy waves of birth, aging, sickness and death…from the ocean of samsara may I free all beings.” ~ Buddhist aspiration

Bonus: a conversation with Mark Hyman on health and wellness:

Dodging a Family History of Cancer with Vegan Diet & Exercise:

Fun Photos, Profound Reminder: “Celebrities posing with their younger selves.” (imgur.com)

Aging. It happens to the best of us. Unless you’re Keanu.

Death: no one gets out of life alive.

Life is precious—it’s a bubble.

That said, stress will turn you from young to old in four or eight years. Proof.

Stress on its own isn’t bad, that is—it’s how we deal with it, or don’t.



Keanu, along with Pharrell, never ages. Also, good work, Neville.


before after celebrities aging stress



Celebrities posing with their younger selves


Relephant bonus:

The Buddha, on Aging Gracefully.


Presidents, Before & After. [Photos]


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