Bonus: see True Christianity, below.
“We’re all very active churchgoers, while she only sporadically attends services.”
A reader comment: “Jesus hung out with lepers, but God forbid she hang out with her sister who ‘doesn’t fit in.‘”
“She’s Amy Dickinson and in addition to her post she is also a regular panel member on NPR’s Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Me. Nicely available on podcasts if you’re like me and enjoy listening to humorous banter on the train.”
Kindness ain’t patented by any one religion, or lack-of-religion. There’s jerk atheists, and jerk cultists or true believers. There’s sweet-hearted, sane religious zealots and fair-minded, generous agnostics.
As the old saying goes, we can see how close someone is to God, or truth, by how kind she is:
This is true Christianity:
Relephant reads:
> Why Jesus was…Liberal?
> Poet Slams Religion but Preaches Jesus.
> In Seach of a New Church Home: Unitarian Universalism.
> Waylon Lewis interviews Sister Helen Prejean, woman behind Dead Man Walking, at Naropa.
> Real Christians.
DEAR AMY: I recently discovered that my son, who is 17, is a homosexual. We are part of a church group and I fear that if people in that group find out they will make fun of me for having a gay child.
He won’t listen to reason, and he will not stop being gay. I feel as if he is doing this just to get back at me for forgetting his birthday for the past three years — I have a busy work schedule.
Please help him make the right choice in life by not being gay. He won’t listen to me, so maybe he will listen to you. — Feeling Betrayed
DEAR BETRAYED: You could teach your son an important lesson by changing your own sexuality to show him how easy it is. Try it for the next year or so: Stop being a heterosexual to demonstrate to your son that a person’s sexuality is a matter of choice — to be dictated by one’s parents, the parents’ church and social pressure.
I assume that my suggestion will evoke a reaction that your sexuality is at the core of who you are. The same is true for your son. He has a right to be accepted by his parents for being exactly who he is.
When you “forget” a child’s birthday, you are basically negating him as a person. It is as if you are saying that you have forgotten his presence in the world. How very sad for him.
Pressuring your son to change his sexuality is wrong. If you cannot learn to accept him as he is, it might be safest for him to live elsewhere.
A group that could help you and your family figure out how to navigate this is This organization is founded for parents, families, friends and allies of LGBT people, and has helped countless families through this challenge. Please research and connect with a local chapter.
Relephant reading:
>Judeo-Christianity & Islam on how to handle Aggression.
> The New Reformation!
> Misrepresented Jesus.
> What Crucifixion Means.
> Bible forbids Homosexuality?
> Do you believe the Bible is literally true?
Three Bible passages that may blow your mind (in a good way).
18 Life Lessons I Want My Daughters to Hear.
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