Please Come Find Me
People look so vulnerable
When you see them from behind
When they don’t have a face to hide behind
When they don’t know you’re watching
When their heart, so fiercely protected in the front
Lies naked back there, bares so many things
Have you ever seen your spirited,
mother, so full of ideas,
Hunched over, shoulders sloping,
Reaching for her reading glasses,
Or your strong, ever-disciplined father
Standing, flesh fallen, gazing at the sea?
Your lover, who made you cry
With a will etched in steel,
Sleep less than peacefully, something choking at
The back of a wounded throat, and want to
Touch those perfect, soft folds of the neck?
We work so hard for
Happy faces, unreadable eyes,
Dreams coming and going.
But something always gives, like
We need it to fall,
To be witnessed, we leave something
Hanging, open and raw,
I ask you, please,
Walk around me
As you would a tree, trusting each turn
To reveal wisdom and understanding,
As you would a statue you know is
Harboring a secret-giving soul, a potion
Going back to beginningless time,
Please, look for revelation. We all have it.
It needs to be in being,
embraced and known.
These are the records of tomorrow,
Made from songs-of-heart.
Start now, start slow, and soft,
Work your way around, and
Come find me, and let me find you.
The world depends on it.
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Editor: Emily Bartran
Photo: Author’s Own
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