November 1, 2014

Bucket List? What’s on your F**k-it List? {Adult!}

Keeping this outdated but what-a-moment intro:

“Vaxxed and Waxxed: It’s the Post-Pandemic Hot Summer of Sex.

Yesterday, seeing everyone strutting around vaccinated here, no masks, bright sexual energy…reminded me: what’s on your sexual bucket list?

“Today I do not want to save the world, or hide from it. I want to f*ck you 20-different ways ’til Tuesday.”

A sex bucket list for coming out of the end of the world as we know it.”

What is on your sexual bucket list?

pinup sexy fun sexuality photoshop

We all have to settle down sooner or later. Well, no we don’t.

But we all have to chill out sooner or later…well, no we don’t. But, you know, eventually.

So let’s make a list.

A bucket list. A…fukkit list.

Problem: I’m pretty happy with wholesome sex. I’m not into pain, or causing pain, which rules out some kinky stuff. I like good clean old-fashioned all over the place intimate sex—the best sex, in my experience, isn’t crazy, it’s sane.

Still, I’ve had relationships where we shake things up rather spontaneously—and there’s something electric about it. A la Burning Man or Halloween, it can be great to be someone else, once or twice a year…and in so doing, find our true selves.


1. I’m not a big threesome fan (okay, not that I’d know), or foursome, or orgysome kinda human, but just once, it’d be…awkward, probably. Maybe not.


2. In nature. I’ve done this lots. In the tall grass in the park above the cliff below the neighborhood in downtown XXXX, say. It’s pretty intimate, romantic, and depending on the location, risky/risque. Enjoy! PS: introvert? Sex in a tent counts! Balconies count! Backyard picnics count!

3. Sex in the treehouse. Just built one. Shaking tree? Much more romantic, in my eco book, than shaking car parked above the city’s lights.

4. Sex standing up, sex standing up but bending all the way forward, sex in a tub, sex in a cozy cabin in the mountains, sex in the college library (public library? Nah). Okay, my ideas are too tame. Anyone?

5. Sex in a foreign country; lots of sex in lots of foreign countries.

6. Craziest of all? Sex with my wife/husband when we’re 80! Let’s do it!

Expert consultation and tips via Reddit:

7. Such as: “Mojo Upgrade: For couples that have wants, needs, or fetishes that they haven’t told each other about yet. Take the quiz individually and it shows you answers you both said yes to. Just throwing this out in the open, there’s always someone that could use the site.”

8. “Having sex more than twice a year. I’m married.”

9, 10: what else? Comment below, I’ll add any more sweet and creative and fun suggestions in.

sexualized feminism

Put your list in a jar. Pick one out of said jar, once a week. Read one of these to one another. Go!


Relephant Reads:

This isn’t a Bucket List, it’s a Fuckit List

Before I Die I Want to…


Relephant bonus:


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