October 17, 2014

The Pure Sense of Self. {Poem}



You are under no obligation
to be anything
than what you are.
Your body
is a temple
to be worshiped.
A divine temple
Not a god damn consumer good
or product to be marketed.
You do not need to be artificially altered in order to exist.
You do not need to be packaged
wrapped, covered or concealed
by the parameters of one society’s cultural ideals
Do not bleach, fade or wittle yourself away
to fit the paradigm
There is nothing you need to be
other than what you, in all authenticity are
Revel in the intrinsic facets of your being
the unadulterated, unrefined sense of pure self
You are not merely a thing to be made more “acceptable,” more digestable
Your very essence is stardust
You are the cosmos.

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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Used with permission from Danielle Ritossa

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