October 6, 2014

To You, Who is Me, with Love. {Poem}

Tammy T. Stone


To You, Who is Me, with Love

To you, the thinker

put thinking in its place.

To you, the lover,

love with your overflowing heart,

love strong, never limit your love.

To you, the shy one,

take your time,

there is such

a soft place for you to land

and find your embrace.

To you, the angry one,

put your hand to your heart

and see the silence that is there,

until the tears come. They will

come, and it will be beautiful.

To you, the passionate one,

throw your passions

into the world,

which needs your fire

and blessed spirit.

To you, the sleepy one, take rest,

rest can teach you,

and then return to the world

with wide open eyes.

To you, the lonely ones,

carve out a world of love

for yourself, that you can

share with the universe.

To you, the hurried one,

find the magic in

the space between things.

To you, the lost ones,

learn where you are

and don’t be sad.

Being lost will serve you

well one day.

It is serving you now.

To you, the happy ones,

thank you for putting your

special kind of light

into the world.

To you, who is me,

who is all,

to a free moving world

in one heart.
Tammy T. Stone




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Editor: Travis May

Photo: Author’s Own


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