November 5, 2014

A Handy Tip for the Easily Distracted. {Video}

Artondra Hall/Flickr

I don’t know about you, but I find it extremely hard to focus.

That may be attributed to the dreamy nature of my astrological sign or to my busy, chattery mind.

Whatever the reason, many times I sit down at the desk and try and concentrate on doing one thing, but end up getting distracted by one of the many other things going on around me.

By giving my attention to all those little things at once and not just the one thing I’m supposed to be doing, I lose focus. It takes way more time to finish what I’m supposed to be doing, and I’m not being all that mindful about how I’m doing it.

All in all, it is something I’m trying to improve.

A while back, I saw someone post this video on Facebook and I just had to see what it was all about.

Take three minutes to watch it and get an idea of what to do next time you get distracted by your phone, your computer or that magazine on the desk next to you.

Here’s a hint: you’re going to need a hostage.




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Author: Katarina Tavčar

Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: Artondra Hall/Flickr

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