November 1, 2014

Go Deeper.

Rachel Brathen pink sand

Don’t question where you are.

Every difficult place you find yourself in is an opportunity for you to grow. To forgive. To love more than you ever have before.

Take a deep breath and a big step back and look at the bigger picture.

At the end of your life, will any of the drama, gossip or ‘he said she said’ matter?


What matters is how kind you are. How loving you are. What you choose to bring out into the world.

Today I chose love and honesty and forgiveness and letting go because those four things presented themselves to me, disguised by four difficult situations.

We can choose to go with the drama and feel hurt or jealous if disappointed, or we can inquire and feel what we need to feel and open up and be intimate and sit with our emotions.

I am so grateful for the tricky things in life. They give us so much.

Now, your turn. What’s disguised by difficulty in your life right now? Scratch at the surface. Go deeper. See what’s on the other side.

Something absolutely wonderful is waiting for you if you do. I guarantee it.

Life is short. Live fully, utterly, without holding back.

Today is truly all we have. Make the most of it.


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Author: Rachel Brathen 

Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: courtesy of Rachel Brathen 



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