December 3, 2014

She Holds the Universe.

Tara Goddess of Compassion woman

She’s a gentle warrior and a strong goddess.

She’s a lover of the moon and a muse of the sky.

An inspiration to the ocean and a traveller of light.

The animals whisper her secrets of the sky as she’s the mystery keeper.

She dances with the trees and howls with wolves.

She feels free in the ocean and inspired by the woods.

She paints the sky in crazy colours and writes poems in the clouds.

She has morning teas with the fairies and dinner parties with the fawns.

She asks the stars for advice and listens to her heart.

Her touch feels like velvet and she makes you feel like everything is possible.

Her eyes are filled with worldly wisdom and never-ending hope.

She holds an entire Universe in her hands and is not afraid to let it go and share it with the world.

She lives in you.

To love and to inspire.




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Author: Katarina Tavčar

Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Michael Tracey at Flickr 

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