January 16, 2015

An Open Letter to the Ones Declining my Random Acts of Kindness.

Photo: Jennifer via Flickr.

The more I read what’s happening in the world, the more I think we need to do something about it.

I’m thinking about a little something everyone can do. I’m not talking about changing the world at once but little by little, a random act of kindness at the time—it’s those little things that end up being the big ones in the end.

So lately, I’ve been trying to do these little things for strangers and I found something simple I can do every day, multiple times: every time I go for a walk with my dog, I greet everyone with a smile.

You’re probably thinking it’s silly, but if it’s such a little thing to do and has a potential of making someone’s day a little bit better, isn’t it worth doing?

But I’ve noticed people find it hard to accept my Hello’s and smiles so this is for all of you who are (more or less) kindly declining my acts of kindness:

Hey you,

“You” who’s sometimes an older lady, sometimes a youngster walking his dog, sometimes even a young family. 

You do know that “Hi” was intended for you, right? There’s only you and me on this path, no one around. Well, except for my dog and, as much as I do have occasional conversations with my dog, the greeting wasn’t for her. It was for you. Why don’t you accept it?

I know you have things on your mind, important things that need to be dealt with but you just decided to have a walk in the nature so why not leave those dark thoughts at home along with your bad mood?

I just want to tell you that I’m not trying to invade your personal space.

I don’t want anything in return.

I’m just trying to make your day a tiny bit better and you won’t let me.

And I try and try and try but…nothing.

But maybe I’m the problem. 

Maybe you do accept my kindness but you are somewhat surprised by it and don’t know how to react. 

Maybe you’re just not used to it. 

Who knows.

All I know is that I’ll continue to try and make your day, to send a smile your way and hope you don’t forget that not everything that is happening around us is bad and dark and hopeless.

I hope you realise there’s no mean or false intentions behind acts of kindness.

I hope you realise there are still good things happening in the world. 

I hope one day we all realise that only love and kindness can drive out hate and darkness. 

And on that day, I hope you smile back.

Sincerely yours,

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.


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Author: Katarina Tavčar

Apprentice editor: Katarina Tavčar / Editor: Renee Picard 

Photo: Jennifer via Flickr

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