I will not hide who I am
Who I was born to be
Just because it blots your landscape
I will not mute my colors
Nor dim my light
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Just because your eyes are sensitive
I will not lose my flavor
Nor relinquish my spice
Just because your palate requires a different taste
I will not dilute my strength
Nor water down my spirit
Just because you have no desire for this drink
I will not walk with less confidence
Nor diminish my flair
Just because you prefer me to be meek
I will not stop my torrent
Or calm my waves
Just because you want shelter from this storm
I will not stay in silence
Nor censor my speech
Just because you have no appetite for my words
I will not lessen my love
Nor subdue my passion
Just because you fear my fire
I will not hide
Can I Get Your Attention Please?
~ Skylar Liberty Rose
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Author: Skylar Liberty Rose
Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock
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