February 27, 2015

The Real Feng Shui: 5 Myths Debunked.

bed, bedroom

In working with clients on a daily basis, I often get the same questions.

There’s a lot of misinformation about Feng Shui. If you ever hear anything outlandish or far fetched, it’s not real Feng Shui—it’s either Chinese superstition or a Westernized/Americanized take on Feng Shui.

Here’s the thing with real Feng Shui: if you practice it the correct, Chinese way, you will get results. It’s not about having tchotchkes like Buddha’s, toads with coins in them, mandarin ducks, etc. in your house. By all means, if you like that sort of thing then do it.

But that’s not what’s going to bring in the money, good relationships and thriving health. It’s all about, direction, location and orientation of the building or house.

Also we consider people’s energy by using their birthdays, the landscaping of the building, as well as basic interior forms that may or may not benefit occupants—such as staircase, toilet, door, kitchen, stove, bedroom, etc. locations.

If we practice yoga, in India, the way it was meant to be practiced, we will see there is no such thing as core power yoga or Bikram yoga. Americans made that up. It’s the same thing with Feng Shui. Americans made up a Westernized version and this is why there is so much confusion on the topic.

Here are some of the common Feng Shui myths debunked:

1. You can sleep with your headboard underneath a window.

Just make sure that there is a window treatment and curtain in place so that the draft from the window doesn’t affect your sleep.

2. You can sleep with your headboard angled to a corner, if it’s a good personal direction for you.

Just make sure you have a plant or room divider behind your headboard so that the energy (which is densest in corners) doesn’t negatively affect your sleep.

3. The staircase can face the front door. 

However, you need at least 10 feet of clearance from the door to the staircase. The direction of the staircase isn’t as important as the amount of space and clearance, near the front door. This allows the energy to flow freely in your home, hence, benefitting you with money, relationships and health.

4. Track lighting and fans in the ceiling aren’t detrimental.

Having a solid beam going across the entire ceiling, especially if it’s a 10ft. ceiling or lower can cause health issues. It’s best to cover beams with either sheet rock or billowing fabric to soften how the energy comes down.

5. Not all water features are good in a house or business.

Water features like pools, ponds, fountains, lakes, etc. are good if they’re placed well. This is based on the direction the home faces and when they moved in. If they are well placed can bring incredible amounts of money luck. Poorly placed water features can cause health, relationship and money issues. Small water features like table fountains or a cat drinking fountain will do nothing in lieu of money energy. You will literally wait 100 years for the money to come if it does at all.




Top 10 Feng Shui Myths Debunked 




Author: Jennifer Bonetto

Editor: Renee Picard

Image: Emily May/Flickr 

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