April 30, 2015

Lilac Water. {Recipe}

lilac water main 2

It’s time for my favorite spring drink.

Lilac water.

I learned about this delightful recipe at an elementary school potluck.

Lilac water is a crowd pleaser, and for good reason.

It’s fragrant and tastes like liquid heaven.

When smelled or ingested, lilac produces a calming effect that eases anxiety.

If you’re prone to spring pollen allergies, it’s best to avoid drinking it.

How to make lilac water:

Simply pick three flower clusters from the lilac bush and place them into a two quart mason jar and fill with water.

Let steep five hours.

Pour the lilac water into a glass and enjoy.

It’s that easy.

Give it a try.

It gives a beautiful aroma to a room, looks cheerful and tastes dreamy.

Lilacs can be used a second time; simply refill the jar with water and let steep another five hours.


Relephant read:

Lilac & Lace. {Poem}


Author: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Editor: Evan Yerburgh

Photo: courtesy of the author

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