April 8, 2015

Poached Pears Palmeraie. {Recipe}

Author: Peggy Markel

There are a million wonderful Moroccan desserts—I happen to enjoy the simple ones, such as fruit.

Here’s a one with spices and honey sauce. The name reflects the outlying area of Marrakech called ‘Le Palmeraie’ where Jnane Tamsna is located.


6 cups cold water (separated)
6 pears, not too ripe
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice (separated)
1/2 cup sugar
8 cloves (separated)
1 cinnamon stick
3/4 cup honey
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
toasted slivered almonds for garnish


1. Pour 3 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of the lemon juice in a medium bowl. Carefully peel pears, cutting off the bottom to sit properly. Place the pears in the lemon water to keep from turning brown.

2. In a saucepan or Dutch oven large enough to hold all the pears, combine the remaining 3 cups of water with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, the sugar, 4 of the cloves, and the cinnamon stick. Bring to a boil over medium high heat. Gently drop the pears into the poaching liquid and reduce the heat to medium low, simmering and turning occasionally for 10 minutes or until pears are tender. Let the pears cool to room temperature in the syrup.

3. Heat the honey with the remaining lemon juice, 4 cloves and the ground cinnamon to make the honey sauce.

4. Remove the pears from the poaching liquid, place them in small bowls or plates and stud them with almond slivers. Drizzle with warm honey sauce.

Serves 6.


Author: Peggy Markel

Editor: Katarina Tavčar

Photo: Peggy Markel


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