May 11, 2015

“If someone could have pointed out the clitoris like that to me when I was younger, that would have saved a lot of trouble.”

Above: “Sex ed questions in an Indian newspaper.(i.imgur.com)

Sex. It’s just a thing. A fun thing, a scary thing, a sexy thing—but it’s a thing. Let’s learn about it, and teach it, and do it right, and kindly, and responsibly—and stay safe. Knowledge is safety—not ignorance.

Sexual education from Norwegian State Channel (2015) [Made for 8-13 year olds. With english subtitles] (dailymotion.com)

Sexual education from Norwegian State Channel… by puberteten

A few great comments via redditors:

Abstinence-focused Texas of the 50 states:
— Overall birth rate (2nd)
— Percent of pregnant women receiving prenatal care in first trimester (50th)
— Percent of non-elderly women with health insurance (50th)
— Percent of women receiving prenatal care in first trimester (50th)
— Percent of uninsured children (1st)
— Percent of children living in poverty (4th)
— Percent of population uninsured (1st)
— Percent of population living below poverty (4th)
— Percent of population with a high school diploma (50th)
Source: Texas House of Representatives Legislative Study Group (http://texaslsg.org/texas-on-the-brink/)
— Overall birth rate (2nd)
— Percent of pregnant women receiving prenatal care in first trimester (50th)
— Percent of non-elderly women with health insurance (50th)
— Percent of uninsured children (1st)
— Percent of children living in poverty (4th)
— Percent of population uninsured (1st)
— Percent of population living below poverty (4th)
— Percent of population with food insecurity (2nd)
— Percent of poor people covered by Medicaid (49th)
— Per capita spending on Medicaid (49th)
— Percent of population with employer-based health insurance (48th)
— Per capita spending on mental health (50th)
— Workers’ compensation coverage (50th)
— Average credit score (49th)
— Women’s voter registration (45th)
— Percent of voting age population that is registered to vote (45th)
— Tax expenditures per capita (47th)
— Percent of population with a high school diploma (50th)

“This video has been age-restricted based on our Community Guidelines.”facepalm 

“Yet it shows videos of people bleeding and fighting and there is no problem with that. Violence is safer for children to watch than sex! Glad to know society cares more about destruction of humanity than its creation! :)”

“All joking aside, coming from Catholic schooling most of my life, I really wish I could have seen this video much earlier. Sex was a frightening thing for me for most of my childhood. I really wish it had been taught to me in a more respectful and tolerant way.”

“if the goal of the US is to decrease adolescent fertility without raising the abortion rate, emulating the attitudes and educational materials of a country like Norway probably isn’t a bad idea.”

“Well that was a refreshingly healthy take on puberty and sex, far better than children growing up feeling dirty and ashamed of their natural bodily functions.”


Bonus: Chlamydia outbreaks hits nearly 10 percent of small Texas school in district with no sex-ed policy/r/all (rawstory.com)

And: Thanks To Better Sex Ed, California’s Teen Birth Rate Has Plummeted By 60 Percent(thinkprogress.org)

Check this NRK sex ed program for older teens; they teach women how to masturbate. (Masturbating parts are in english)



One more: “Sex Ed teacher in Mississippi prohibited from demonstrating proper condom use, demonstrates proper sock use instead.” (youtube.com)

Mindful up your sex life:

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