May 17, 2015

One day, Our Love will Change the World.

Author's own.

There is a love inside your heart that is so deep, so vast, so profound, it could make the ocean jealous.

This turquoise blue, sparkling ocean pales in comparison to the love that lies within your heart. It can move mountains.

It can change the world. One day, it will change the world.

The problem is this: we don’t believe in it.

Our minds trick us into thinking that we don’t deserve it. That we’re not worthy of it. That we are not good enough, smart enough, special enough, beautiful enough to be at the center of this unbelievable love. So we direct our attention elsewhere and eventually forget about our beating heart and how badly it wants us to love and be loved.

We forget and the more we listen to the mind telling us what we don’t deserve, the more we yearn for a love we no longer remember. Even though it’s there in our hearts, every second of every day.

We start looking all around, running in circles, trying to bring it back. We study and work harder than ever without really knowing what for. We manipulate and gossip and do anything to stay ahead and come out on top, thinking the only way to be happy is material wealth and success. We make money so we can shop for things we don’t need, we look ourselves in the mirror and hate what we see so we diet to lose weight just to to gain it all back. We watch reality tv, we drink, we smoke, we eat too much or too little and we stuff our faces with processed foods full of additives and hormones and then spend more money on medication to keep our bodies from keeling over.

All of these things we do, trying to get the love we deep down don’t even think we deserve.

Why are we bending over backwards looking for love, destroying our bodies and our planet in the process, when all we have to do to find it is direct our awareness towards our very own hearts? When all we have to do is breathe deeper, sit in silence and remember?

We must all return to love. It’s crucial for the evolution of our consciousness and the urgent healing that’s needed on this earth.

You have to remember that you are worthy of a love deeper and more profound than this ocean.

Come back to your heart. Come back. It will change the world.



Dear You (a Letter to my Former Self).



Author: Rachel Brathen

Editor: Katarina Tavčar

Photo: Author’s own

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