May 18, 2015

Reflections on the Earth Element: an Ashtangi Perspective. {Photos}


The earth element symbolizes our physical body, our foundation, our root, our stability, and our balance.

It is the basis of all other elements and where it all begins.

One cannot do a yoga asana (posture) properly if one has not felt a connection to the feet or the ground. So what is the need of feeling grounded? Why is it important to understand the role of the earth element in our lives and our yoga practice?

Mother Earth is a feminine energy; a wise one that nurtures our souls and enlightens our path. As we practice yoga, we discover that we ought to be fully connected to the earth element in order to activate our bandhas (energy locks), deepen our practice, and take the yoga off our mats into our daily lives.

For instance, poses like Pincha Mayurasana require being fully grounded and balanced, while sensing the world upside down.

In our world some believe change can happen, others have opted to only criticize and increase the negativity, many others are unconscious about our current global issues, and only a few are willing to strive for enlightenment while inspiring transformation.

Maintaning a dedicated yoga practice allows us to feel grounded and fully conscious, to have clarity in our minds and to sense the creative spark that constantly rises in our hearts.

To make change in our world we must be fully grounded and creative.


Yoga asanas are mirrors to understand and transform ourselves. For instance, handstands, require lots of patience and self-confidence, added to groundedness and flexibility. Hence, the biggest challenge is seeking stability in a world that is upside down.

These asanas are in the capacity of washing away our fears, while empowering our positive thought process to plant seeds of transformation, to make change in our lives and the world around us.

As we deepen our yoga practice, we discover that the earth element helps us find the clarity of our mission in life. Yoga philosophy assures that we all have a gifted mission. Some as warriors, while others as builders, supporters and followers.

Whatever is our mission, yoga helps us envision it in our path while finding the light to carry on, and most importantly to live fulfilled with love, integrity and happiness.


Practice, practice, practice.




Author: The Global Yogini 

Editor: Renée Picard

Images: author’s own  

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