If you have a desire striking soul for peace are you a soldier?
Spinning tales of rubber bands, in conviction, around those who you love,
Bounding them to better ways that you proclaim are from above
Gag them so their own voices cannot speak?
Lest you fear their journeys may make them meek, weak or dismal?
Protect those around you and impend unyielding control to the extent of robotic puppetry within your reign
In the name, in the name, in the name…
Of love?
From above?
A dove?
A dove of peace and harmony painted on your flag
That waves above your waging war below
In the name of growth?
Where in reality, a white one would be
If what you truly seek, is harmony
Attain the Buddha mind
Leave judement behind
Said he,
Thich nhat han and mother T.
They knew it best
Preached it less
Lived it more
Sat in stillness upon earths floor
An example of non-aggression, no-compete
No position, neutrality, no speaking
Seeking only within now
Forgetting about “how”
Noble silence to the indiscretions surrounding
Because to take them to the courthouse is only compounding
I want peace, so I fight for that right
A conundrum of paradoxical thought
Creating more war fought
I want peace so I live in strife
To convince others to treat their brothers and sisters in humanity
Yet who am I to make them see
Who are you to replace their agenda with your own?
Even for the sake of a peaceful home?
The truth rings true like the liberty bell
Waking you from the spell
That noble silence and not knowing another’s path, not directing another’s wrath is the only way
Just step to the side and it will fly past you into the air
Let go of your mental share
Of another’s space
You do not belong there
No need to stop a moving force
Just to allow it to dissipate without the oxygen of your opposition feeding its breath
Instead, breathe into yourself a feeling of peace in your own chest
Expansion of your heart and clarity of your mind
Leave all else behind
And smile
While the energy of anger turns to wind in the trees
Blowing back down upon the earth
With ease
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The Soulful Gardener. {Poem}
Author: Olivia Treubig
Editor: Catherine Monkman
Photo: Luxerta/Flickr
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