Dear Secret Poets,
Please, share your words.
All those scraps of scribbled notes, half-finished thoughts and exquisite masterpieces born whole and lovingly locked away—don’t keep so much beauty to yourself.
Maybe you are shy, or afraid. Maybe you worry that sharing your work will diminish its worth, somehow.
Please, think again.
Look around.
The world is starving for more poetry.
Its collarbones are jutting out at dangerous angles and I swear to you the world is begging for more meaning. And you have something to sate its hunger.
So share your words. Paste them on billboards. Display them on blogs. Recite them on street corners to whoever will listen, or no one.
Crazy? I don’t think so.
Send them somewhere, because you never know if the precious cargo you hide in locked drawers might speak to someone, or a thousand someone’s.
Don’t miss your chance to find out.
That’s what I am doing here, standing on my virtual street corner, muttering aloud like a crazy person, offering my hidden words to the invisible masses. Maybe someone will stop and listen.
Secret poets, it doesn’t matter who listens, or who cares. It doesn’t matter who likes it, or who hates it. I’m telling you, the world is starving, and you can nourish it.
Don’t keep the abundance of your souls to yourselves.
Push fear and hesitation aside, forget maybe’s, and speak.
Your voices are desperately needed.
Relephant Read:
To Be a Poet.
Author: Toby Israel
Editor: Renée Picard
Photo: Pixoto
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