July 5, 2015

Homemade Elder Flower Cordial that Beats Shop-Bought Hands Down.

 elder flower cordial

On a hot sunny day, a glass of sparkling elder flower water is not only refreshing, but delicious.

And it makes a great alcohol-free alternative to the glass of chilled white I might otherwise be tempted to indulge in.

Elder flower cordial doesn’t come cheap though, but I was delighted to discover that it’s quite easy to make—the trickiest part was the foraging: finding a tree far enough away from a busy road to ensure the flowers aren’t fume-infused.

But it was worth the search, because not only is it easy and delicious, but sipping your own home-made concoction has the added bonus of self-satisfaction that can’t be bought anywhere.

If you’re tempted to make your own, following is the process to make three and half litres:

  • Chop the stalks off 20 elder flower heads
  • Peel and slice two unwaxed lemons
  • Pour 2 ½ kg of sugar in a very large pot with 1 ½ litres of water
  • When the sugar has dissolved (slowly, over a gentle heat), bring the syrup to a boil abd then turn off the heat
  • Swish the elder flower heads in a bowl of water to remove dirt or insects
  • Add elder flower, lemon peel and slices to the syrup, along with 50g of citric acid. Cover and steep for at least 24 hours.

After a day and a half of steeping, sterilize your bottles by heating in the oven. Then, using a muslin cloth strain the syrup and transfer to the bottles.

Then use to spice up ice-cream and other deserts, or simply enjoy as a cold and refreshing drink.



Too Many Dandelions? Make a Divine Dandelion Cordial.


Author: Hilda Carroll

Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Flickr

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