July 27, 2015

The Cover of ‘New York Magazine’ Showing 35 Women Accusing Bill Cosby of Sexual Assault.

35 of Bill Cosby‘s victims are on the cover of NY Mag telling their story.

More than 45 have come forward, now. “35 who agreed to be interviewed. There are 48 who have come forward and several of the women reference friends who were also raped by Bill Cosby but aren’t ready or able to come forward (it also sounds like some of Cosby’s victims signed NDAs).”


Here is a link to the story. Each woman individually. Pretty powerful. This is a real piece of journalism that everyone should read.



“People often these days say, ‘Well, why didn’t you take it to the police?’ Andrea Constand went to the police in 2005 — how’d it work out for her? Not at all. In 2005, Bill Cosby still had control of the media. In 2015, we have social media. We can’t be disappeared. It’s online and can never go away.” ~ Tamara Green

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