August 19, 2015

7 Essentials for the Summer Preggo.

Meditation preggo

My first pregnancy is nearing the ultimate destination within a few weeks.

Here’s what I can offer to those who experience pregnancy in a regular North American summer or a soaring temperature, all year around South East Asia kind of summer.

1. Infused water. 

Infused water (resized)

As soon as I got pregnant, I could no longer drink just regular water with nothing in it, which used to be my favourite thing. Coconut water also made me sick. In my attempt to avoid sugar loaded electrolyte drinks, simple infused water with any sort of fruits made me feel not only slightly cooler inside but also quenched my thirst and kept me hydrated.

2. Loads of coconut oil.

coconut oil (resized)

No surprise there. This is one thing I stuck with my whole pregnancy. Daily ritual of covering myself with coconut oil. It was also my loving bonding time for my changing body and my new baby. I also tried to consume it as much as I can. Occasionally, I would put it in my coffee or smoothie and it was helpful in relieving occasional constipation.

3. Tea Tree oil. 

tea tree oil (resized)

So helpful in all sorts of infections. I used to mix it a lot with coconut oil or castor oil. The smell also soothed and refreshed me at the same time.

4. Meditation.

Meditation preggo

On days (which were many), I just could not, would not, didn’t want to move for yoga asana practice. This is also another thing that stuck with me during the whole pregnancy. So much has come up and I am so thankful I had this practice during the time of external and internal changes of my life. It’s really helpful if you could set up a regular practice even just for three minutes.

5. Spray bottle. 

spray bottle

You just spray on yourself whenever you feel hot. My hot spots are neck, arms, hands, feet, and ribs. It’s instant joy of coolness.

6. Frozen water bottle. 

Especially in my third trimester, my ribs really started to hurt as the baby grew. The only thing I could do was to prop up with many pillows, lay down, and put a frozen water bottle just under my breasts and it really was helpful. I also put this same bottle behind my neck to cool down.

7. Whipped cream.

Because. Give me a break.





Easy & Important Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy.





Author: Tomomi Kojima

Editor: Renée Picard

Images: author’s own

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