August 14, 2015

Summertime Red Raspberry & Cherry Pie. {Recipe}

cherry pie

My friend’s daughter said, “This pie isn’t just good—it’s amazing!”

My grandmother grew up on a farm in Massachusetts and always had the freshest ingredients around to make the most delicious foods. She put her heart into each meal she prepared.

I learned the value in making items from scratch, in my grandma’s kitchen, by her side.

A few weeks ago my grandmother had me and my girls over for dinner and served us this pie. The fresh raspberries and the cherries tasted incredible—especially when topped off with some locally made vanilla ice cream.

This pie is the perfect ending to a great summer meal.

Red Raspberry and Cherry Pie.

2 cups red raspberries

1 cup pitted red cherries

3 tablespoons quick-cooking tapioca

1 ½ cups sugar

1 teaspoon lemon juice

1 tablespoon of butter

(A store bought crust can be used, or you can make your own, see below for the pastry recipe.)

Mix fruits, add tapioca combined with sugar and lemon juice and let stand for one hour. Pour into 9 inch pastry lined pie pan and dot with butter. Adjust top crust and flute the edge. Bake in hot oven—450°F—for 10 minutes and then turn oven down—to 350°F—cook for an additional 30-45 minutes, depending on crust preference.

Let cool for 30 minutes to one hour before serving, serve with homemade whipped cream or locally made vanilla ice cream.

Pie Crust.

2 ½ cups of flour (plus extra for rolling)

1 cup of unsalted butter, cold, cut into ½ inch cubes

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon sugar

6-8 tablespoons of ice water

Put flour, sugar and salt into a food processor and pulse a couple of times to mix. Add about half the butter and pulse again several times. Then add the rest of the butter and pulse until the largest pieces of butter are about the size of peas. Sprinkle the mixture with ¼ cup of ice water, then pulse again. Keep adding water and pulsing until the dough just barely begins to hold together.

Divide the dough into two even sized mounds and roll out on a flat, floured surface. Place one into the bottom of a floured pie plate, and then fill with the cherry and raspberry mixture. Then top the pie with the other remaining piece of rolled out dough and cut air vents.

Homemade Whipped Cream.

1-2 pints of heavy whipping cream

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

½-1 cup of sugar—depending on the preferred sweetness 

Mix all ingredients with beaters until it thickens to the desired consistency—usually just a few minutes.


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Author: Kate Rose

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: flickr

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