August 4, 2015

The Combustible Love of an Aries.

The energy of an Aries will set fire to any lover who dares to love us.

Once our lover has given into the sweet fire of an Aries kiss—none other will do. It is as if by our very touch we burn our names onto their soul, tattooing them for all eternity against any others who they may try to replace us with.

The love of an Aries is Fireball whiskey on a hot, summer night as fireworks explode overhead. We are the ones who seem to overtake our lover’s senses like a summer storm. No matter hard others may try to forget the fires that burn when we are together—they just simply become ruined forever.

One of the most electrifying aspects of being loved by an Aries is the never ending desire for our touch, our kiss and the look of determination in our eyes.

Aries not only know what we want—but we continually pursue it.

Even when our lovers think they have reached the point of moving on, the Aries is adept at rekindling any fire that may have (almost) burned out.

We are a hot flame lighting the way into the darkest night.

Aries are the secret romantics of the Zodiac, and while our realism and determination may sometimes seem to overshadow that—it’s our flare for big gestures with perfect timing that make our lovers come back for more.

Aries are known for their strong hands and presence in the world. We make it easy to sacrifice it all to us and forget about a time when our lovers had to do it all on their own. We become the pillars to the life we create and the foundation of our combined futures.

When an Aries finally commits—it’s because we know it’s the right choice.

Once an Aries has decided on what they want, we can never be persuaded either way. Aries is the sign that can never be manipulated or rushed—we simply don’t abide by anyone else’s timeline but our own. Either our lovers are driven insane by these qualities or they become the very reasons they love us in the first place.

While Aries always seems to keep it exciting, we also become the steady hand who our lovers want to hold onto throughout this life. We are always thinking of the practical, we like to be able to plan things and judge the best way to go about doing something. To try and make an Aries do something before we are ready is as futile as resisting the magic that we create.

An Aries love is a midnight drive into the mountains under the guise of heat lightening and meteor showers. It’s oak aged Malbec with grapes from a vintage vineyard atop a hilltop mountain in Chile.

An Aries is an exotic destination and the safety of a warm embrace.

No matter what an Aries seems to be doing, we unknowingly set fire to the air around us with our intoxicating gaze and penchant for the unexpected.

One of the most unforgettable aspects of loving an Aries is the magic that happens when we are alone. It’s sparks from a first kiss, and fingerprint bruises. Its gasps of ecstasy and the continual desire for more.

An Aries love is the hottest addiction.

When an Aries makes love, we do it with the determination of a ranging bonfire. We are strong hands, and even stronger kisses. We induce weak knees and lips that tremble with anticipation. We take our lover like it’s the very first time—every time.

Each time we touch our lover it’s like a brand new experience. It’s afternoon quickies and sessions that last all night. It’s kitchen counter I-just-had-to-have-you type of love and the slow burn of lingerie and kohl rimmed eyes.

Aries are as insatiable as our lovers allow us to be and nothing is taboo with the right person.

We are 25-year-old Highland Scotch and chocolate covered macadamia nuts. We are late night swims underneath the full moon and sleeping in until the heat of the day streaks across our nude bodies.

We are the sweet kiss on your shoulder blade and the arm around you after a bad dream.

We are the lip biting and peppermint in your once-in-a-lifetime kind of kiss.

The Aries sign is the ram and it is with the sheer force of determination that we use to create a desirable life. We take what we want from this world with the all or nothing sentiment, not because we can’t compromise, but when an Aries knows what we want—we want it now.

We are strong confidence in the realm of love. We are resilient and capable and ready to make big sacrifices for what we want the most.

We play big, or not at all.

It’s this determination, this power of fire and heat, which continually has our lovers coming back for more—until there is no memory of any other left in their minds.

Because when an Aries truly, madly, deeply loves—we love forever.


Relephant Read:

Why we Should have Sex Every Day. {Adult}


Author: Kate Rose

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock


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