October 13, 2015

For the Women Who Would Never Call Themselves “Wild Woman,” “Warrior” or “Goddess.”

Javier Avellan Veloz/Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/japi14/302428045/in/photostream/


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Wildness lurks in all of us, though we don’t all choose to flaunt it so obviously.

We do not need to appear passionate, intense or ferocious to be interesting—like an iceberg sitting in calm waters, our passions, intensity and ferocity can be hidden out of view, shared only with our inner circle. Even the deer that moves gracefully through the woods is as captivating, it its own way, as the fierce lioness.

They are equally wild, but express themselves differently.

I watch my cat, who is technically a “tame” creature, not entitled to the classification of “wild” because she lives interdependently among humans. Oh, but I know that, for all her tameness, the wildness is there in equal measure—it’s just that she rarely feels the need to unleash it (thank God!).

And despite my own calm demeanor, which causes some people to underestimate my strength, I too may unleash my ferocity—suddenly and without warning—should I perceive that someone has crossed an unacceptable boundary, or simply triggered a fear.

And I know that I am not alone. Some of us may move more quietly through the world, but we need to know (and trust) that we are capable of being fierce and wild, should the need arise.

We are not all drawn to the esoteric or the mystic.

But within us all lies a God(dess) force—for we are all connected to divine source, containing both masculine and feminine energy. It is not a special power granted to a special bunch of people.

It is a universal power, or energy, available to us all.

Some of us are more consciously attuned to that inner force than others. And some of us simply do not want to tune into it. Perhaps we were persecuted for the overt expression of our godliness in a previous life. Or maybe we are young souls who are not yet ready to delve into our power. But it is there—whether we recognize it, or identify with the label. It is there for us, if we do want it.

We are all Goddess.

And we are warriors too, for we have survived this long and this far.

We are still here—that is no mean feat. We have done battle with our demons—both inner and outer—and lived to tell the tale (or keep it quiet).

Some of us wear our warrior badges with pride and others keep them hidden in a drawer. But we don’t have to wear them loudly to carry their essence about us. We are strong. Stronger than we sometimes acknowledge or believe. But we are. If we weren’t, we would not still be here.

So, no matter how you choose to express yourself in this world, know that you are strong and powerful. And, when needs be, you can be a fearsome force to be reckoned with.

Each of us is extraordinary in our own way. We are neither the labels we identify with, nor those we reject. But we do carry within us the qualities that all labels—“good” and “bad,” the ones we like and those we dislike—seek to encapsulate.

But beyond the labels and their associated qualities, we are essence of the Divine, expressing ourselves in differing ways.

“Wild Woman,” “Warrior” and “Goddess” are primeval, achetyepal energies that we all have the capacity to tap into when we feel the need. So, although we may not choose to express them as aspects of our personality, at our core, we are all Wild Women, Warriors and Goddesses.




The 3 Most Important Goddesses to Invite into your Life.

Beautiful Warrior. {Poem}


Author: Hilda Carroll

Editor: Travis May

Photo: Javier Avellan Veloz/Flickr, Shutterstock

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