October 4, 2015

To My Lover, On My Journey to Ecstasy. {Adult}


I am awoken.

I am embarking on my sacred sexual journey, on the road to ecstasy.

My old beliefs have been shed like a superfluous snake skin, paper thin against the new boldness of my spirit, left to flutter in the wind where I scraped myself against convention and fear.

I am awoken to my desires. I am awoken to the Goddess crying out in the still of the night;

Take me lover, strip me bare, kiss me with a tongue so bold that it leaves me shaking in your arms

I know what I want and it’s not what I’ve allowed before. In my old skin, lovers took my body but rarely sought my soul.

Search my eyes. You’ll find a she-wolf. I’ll be the fierce female ally to your manly heart.

Search my soul. I’ll be the lady who hungrily serves your lusty bed.

Search my heart. Honesty bleeds there and awaits your touch.

Search my body. It is fire risen high, consuming like a storm of everything you dare to expose.

I am awoken and seek a warrior who is not afraid to f*ck me well. I need a lover with daring words on his lips. One whose honor is written on his face.

Follow me on my journey, seek the altar of my being.

I wish to feel your sacredness before you stand naked by my fire. Before your passion touches mine, I will anoint you with oils. I wish to share my wine and my dreaming herbs. Let me hear your ancient chant, the one that brings the spirits out.

I only share my sacred well with lovers who want me whole—body, emotions and soul.

I don’t care what is right or wrong, what others think of me; I don’t care what is considered proper, I was born for war.

I’m fighting against the labels—mother, saint and whore. I’m fighting for my freedom from the curse of Eve’s everlasting sin.

If you’ve the courage, slip off my priestess robes, see me at my most vulnerable, take what I give and give what is yours. I’m not too shy to serve on my knees, I’m not afraid of the love we will make for I am awoken to my sexual journey. Your pleasure is my own.

So follow me, my brave lover of all that smells of lust.

Join me in pleasures that leave you howling at the moon. I’m not the girl who was afraid to explore her darkest needs, I’m a goddess you can spread upon a bed of dreams.

What’s your fantasy? What desire cuts you to your core? What will make you lose control? Tell me, lover, I’m ready to cast my spell.

Honor me with integrity.

Honor me with your charming smile.

Honor me with sure hands and rock hard love.

Honor me with kisses that taste of a life well lived.

Honor me by giving me what I need without questioning the boundary between pleasure and pain.

Honor me by bowing your head before the incense I burn to cleanse us.

Honor me by f*cking me until the night gives way to the shy rays of morning night.

I wish to make the sun blush, to make rivers change their course, to love you like a demon, to see you forever undone.

Join me on my sacred sexual journey. Take me by the hand. I will lead you to the light, this you must know.

Where we go will be where you’ve always felt at home.

I am your safest harbor, your forbidden, delightful, irreverent flower that only blooms at midnight and that drips with a holy dew; that leaves your fingers aching to rip me from my stem. But I won’t be broken, I won’t be owned.

I’ll be yours as long as my freedom is ensured. I’ll be yours as long as you understand my terms.

There will be love, we will enter where angels fear to tread, there will be tenderness; there will be the agony of not knowing what tomorrow will bring.

Just know this…on my sacred sexual journey, I give of myself unselfishly but remember to love myself first.



Love my Gypsy Soul. I Dare You.


Author: Monika Carless

Editor: Caitlin Oriel

Image: Stevebidmead/Pixaby

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