“Create,” she said.
Crouching down, I touched her.
My skin against her damp earth.
I whispered, “I don’t know what to do?”
I whispered, “I don’t know who I am?”
“Create,” she said.
I whispered, “What?”
“Create,” she said.
I whispered, “Why?”
“Create,” she said.
I whispered, “I am too tired.”
“Create,” she said.
I whispered, “You don’t understand.”
“Create,” she said.
I began to cry.
“Create,” she said.
I whispered, “I don’t know how.”
“Create,” she said.
I fell silent.
“Create,” she said.
I closed my eyes.
“Create,” she said.
I whispered, “Will you help me?”
“Create,” she said.
I picked up a pen and with a shaky hand I started to write the story of my life.
“Create,” she said.
And I realized, creation was what I had been doing all along.
“Create,” she said and I replied:
“I am. I am. I am.”
Relephant Read:
For the Creative Souls who Hide Themselves.
Author: Sarah Norrad
Editor: Toby Israel
Photo: Mark Rain/Flickr (more from Mark here) // ™ Pacheco/Flickr
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