November 24, 2015

On the Eve of the Full Moon. {Poem}

Starry Night

Let this moon be only a reflection

Of that timeless part of you.
Let its silvery essence
Wash over you like mercury.
In viscous yet fluid light
It is yearning to bathe your soul
In the peace of a fresh promise.

Promises resonating like echoes
Whispering, “hush, hush…
Feel those echoes speak.
Guiding that
Which begs not to be guided
Enlightening that
Which screams to stay in the dark

Allow the child you once were
The child who loved the water
That eager child
Who is now thrashing within you
Begging for freedom
Aching for relief—
To be soothed by its grey echoes

Find solace in the highest of tides
For the deep, dark waters that threaten,
Have the greatest power to heal.
Waves like breath of silver
Undulating your world
Rhythmically rocking you away
From the torment of your shores



Full Moon in Gemini: The Choice is Yours, so Choose Wisely.

Author: Katie Vessle

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: wikipedia

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