December 16, 2015

How to Get a New Mama to Yoga, in 19 Easy Steps!

baby toddler parenting

It was not until I had my own child that I realized how difficult scheduling in a class for yourself at a yoga studio can be.

Yes, I made it to my mat all through various jobs, through grad school while working a full time job, and even through my pregnancies. But once I had my son, the light of my life and also a huge responsibility, I didn’t realize the juggle we as mothers face in simply getting to our mats!

So here is the run down! So simple, really.

How to find time for yoga as a new mama, in 19 easy steps:

1. Find a studio near you that has an evening class so that your partner can be home to watch your little one and you don’t have to pay a sitter. Parenting has put you on a budget!

2. Arrange with your partner to be home on time, so you can go to the yoga class. Look forward to it all day! Ahh…an hour to yourself.

3. Pump milk for your baby for while you will be gone (or prepare your homemade baby food and unicorn-blessed vegan muffins.)

4. Change out of your yoga pants that you have worn all day into fresh and clean yoga pants.

5. Immediately change out of those fresh yoga pants, because they unfortunately now have baby vomit on them. (Or, your toddler wiped his nose on them. A drive-by snotting…whatever.)

6. Dig through your closet to find new pants that are clean, but then realize they don’t quite fit your post-partum body. Decide to wear them anyway.

7. Answer phone call that your partner is running late. Growl and yell at your partner for ruining your inner peace.

8. Feed your baby because he is hungry. Again. Realize the built-in support in your tank top is making breastfeeding impossible, and come up with a new business idea for yoga clothes for yoga mamas! Brilliant! You will get to this soon. Maybe. First you need to get to yoga.

9. Put your baby down for a moment to pack your bag with your towel, water bottle, headband, keys…and then realize he has pooped. Again.

10. Change diaper while watching the clock, wondering where your partner is.

11. Realize you may or may not have gotten a small amount of baby poop on your shirt. Wipe it with an organic baby wipe, and pretend it never happened. You are not changing again.

12. Pass your baby off to your partner, and bolt out the door. Freedom!

13. Wonder if you smell like baby poop, and douse yourself in essential oil you find in the bottom of your purse.

14. Immediately regret the essential oils because you put on way too much.

15. Roll out your mat in the studio. Lay down, for the first time all day feeling how your body feels…not carrying a person around. Just your body, on its own. Enjoy the sensation.

16. Wonder if anyone smells the essential oils. Or worse, the baby poop.

17. Breathe.

18. Start your practice. As your teacher asks you to set an intention of gratitude, you realize what your are most grateful for. Your sweet baby, and the gift it is to be a mom.

19. Realize that although your life is more hectic, your body is different, your budget is tighter, you have less time for yourself, and you are always slightly sticky…there is nothing in the world you would change.


21 Signs Your Yoga Obsession has Gone too Far. {Funny}


Author: Logan Kinney

Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Jon/Flickr


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