February 22, 2016

The Mindful Life Illustrated: We’re More Successful than we Believe.

DO NOT REUSE 14 - Everyday Success

Life is endlessly complex and demanding.

Everywhere we turn there is someone trying to get something from us. Whether it is our boss, a billboard, the government or our friends and family.

To make it even harder, the things being demanded are more and more complicated. Taxes. Reports. Applications. It is easy to get fed up and wonder if life should be this complicated. (It shouldn’t—is my official answer!)

So when I feel stretched too thin and unbearably overwhelmed I try to remind myself that I have come this far. I have done this much.

I went from being a newborn baby with zero understanding of the world or ability to care for myself to who I am today. I learned language. Social etiquette. I sorted out my living space. Learned how to cook and clean. I got through almost 20 years of schooling and have earned enough money by working to support myself. I have made friends and enemies. Gained and lost lovers. Learned to ride a bike. Plus all the millions of other little things I have had to learn, through trial and error, that now help me get by in the world.

Life is hard. Getting this far is an accomplishment that should be acknowledged and used as a shield against feelings of failure or not being good enough.

You are good enough.

You have done loads.

You have learned so much.

You may stumble today but can get up tomorrow.

You may struggle in the future, but have succeeded in the past and can do so again.

At this moment, just relax a little, smile and give yourself the credit you deserve. Or start learning how to do that.


Author & artist: Mike Medaglia

Editor: Khara-Jade Warren


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