February 17, 2016

Why Every Woman is Capable of Deeply Pleasurable Sex.

topless women sexy orgasm vintage

When I speak with women about sex (which, as a women’s sexuality coach, I do a lot), many women tell me some version of the same thing:

“I just don’t care that much about sex.”

“Sex just isn’t important to me.”

“I’m too old to be interested in sex.”

“I’ve never really been that interested in sex.”

I get it! I used to feel the same way too. I thought there were certain women who were just born with a low desire for sex and I happened to be cursed as one of them.

Turned out, I was dead wrong.

I was shut down sexually for most of my life and experienced pain during sex for almost 20 years, until I started a somatic sexuality practice called Orgasmic Meditation. The first time I practiced Orgasmic Meditation, it felt like a dam opened up inside me, and sexual energy poured out. In that moment, I realized it wasn’t that I had a low desire for sex, it was just that my sexual energy had been blocked.

Most women block their sexual energy at some level or another, and assume they just have low libido.

But, the truth is, all women are deeply sexual beings.  

Want to know how I know that?


Let’s take a look at the facts about your female body—

Your female body is literally one gigantic erogenous zone.

•Your female body has an organ (your clitoris) whose sole purpose is pleasure.

•Your female body is capable of many different types of orgasms. Seriously, many types. Did you know you can have an orgasm in your throat? It’s true.

•Your female body is capable of multiple orgasms and prolonged orgasms.

•Your female body is capable of reaching both ecstatic heights of bliss, and guttural animal nature during sex.

So, does it make any sense at all that God (or the universe or creation or whatever word you use) would create your body to be wired to experience deep sexual pleasure just to have you end up being “not interested in sex?”

That makes not one lick of sense.

That’s why when women tell me they are “just not that interested in sex,” I smile and tell them “I don’t believe you!”

We’ve been told lots of lies and given lots of misinformation about female sexuality that would have us believe it’s normal for women to have low libido. But, when you simply look at the facts about our bodies, those lies and misinformation don’t stand up.

So, if your sexual energy is blocked, the first step to unblocking it is to recognize this. Recognize that the truth of your body is that it is biologically wired for pleasure. In that simple recognition, you will start the process of busting through the misinformation, and unblocking and reconnecting to your sexual energy.

Next, I recommend using the three step process that I map out in this article for waking up your libido and wanting sex.

It’s your birthright as a woman to experience deep pleasure. If it wasn’t, God/dess would not have wired you this way.






Author: Sarah Kennedy

Editor: Renée Picard

Image: Wiki Commons 

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