March 1, 2016

7 Spiritual Laws of Success from Deepak Chopra—& How to Apply Them.

Lauren Peng/Unsplash

I always felt that my higher purpose in life was to succeed, but it seemed to require so much hard work—until I discovered Deepak Chopra’s 7 Spiritual Laws of Success.

I wrote these laws down on a paper that I still carry with me in my bag. I reach for them whenever I feel incapable of succeeding in life. The truth is, they matter more to me than anything I’ve acknowledged in life, because they lift me up.

Like so many people, I tend to get attached to how I want things to go. Sometimes I doubt myself and sink in the ocean of confusion. Other times I pour so much effort into my actions that I almost forget the reason I was motivated to do them in the first place.

Reading these laws helped me understand how the universe works. And it works in the same beautiful way we do, because just like the universe, we are capable of manifesting creation in our lives.

Chopra presents these laws in a way that allows us to recognize the divinity we all carry. Be it the galaxy, stars or forests, we’re all made of infinite possibilities that we carry as energy. The only thing that distinguishes humans from other worldly creations, is that we fail to use our pure potentiality.

Here are the laws that altered my perception from “impossible” to “possible”—and how I incorporate them into my life:

1. The Law of Pure Potentiality.

Our spiritual essence is pure consciousness. The more we experience our true nature, the more we can tap into that field. Sadly, we are usually connected to the field of ego that needs approval, control and power. Ego-based power lasts as long as the object of reference is there. Self-power on the other hand is permanent. It draws people and things that we want to us.

Applying the law:
To get in touch with the Law of Pure Potentiality, it’s important to take time each day to be alone. Meditating twice a day is a great start. Communing with nature or watching a sunset are other great practices.

Additionally, we can practice non-judgment with a daily mantra of: “Today, I shall judge nothing that occurs.” I have this written on the wall next to my bed so I can read it when I first wake up in the morning. Repeating it on a daily basis has helped me to lessen my judgment on the situations that I encounter throughout my day. Since I started practicing meditation four years ago, I’ve begun to tap bit by bit into the field of potentiality which Chopra talks about.

2. The Law of Giving.

The more we give, the more we receive. This is how we keep the abundance of the universe circulating. It’s simple: if you want joy, give joy to others; if you want love, give love; if you want attention, give attention.

Applying the law:
We can apply this law by growing the habit of giving to the people we are in contact with. It can be a compliment, a flower or a prayer. In return, we can start receiving the gifts that life and others have to offer us: sunlight, the sound of birds singing or snow in winter. To increase the power of this law, we can wish every person we meet happiness, joy and laughter.

This law has been the most helpful for me. I wish happiness for everyone I meet. I look into their eyes and silently say, “I wish you love, joy and peace.” When I do this, I feel overwhelmed with good energy that never fails to uplift my day.

3. The Law of Karma.

Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. Karma implies the action of conscious choice-making, however most of our choices are unconscious because we are conditioned. Our reactions are often automatically triggered by people and circumstances.

Applying the law:
To put the law of Karma into effect, we can start by witnessing the choices we make in each moment and thinking about the consequences we are creating for the future. For further guidance, we can ask our inner being for an answer. If the choice feels right, then we go for it. But if it doesn’t, we pause and visualize the affect for us and those around us.

I’ve learned that stopping to think about the choices I’m making is difficult, but still the most beneficial thing I do. I try to think about my actions before leaping into them. I try my best to choose good actions instead of bad.

4. The Law of Least Effort.

This one is my favorite. Nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease and we must learn from it. Grass doesn’t try to grow, it just grows. Fish don’t try to swim, they just swim. Unlike nature, we seek power and control over ourselves and others, which is a waste of energy. But when our actions are motivated by love, there is no waste of energy. That love multiples and accumulates to create what we want without any effort.

Applying the law:
Acceptance is key: accept people and situations as they are. Don’t struggle against the moment because this moment is as it should be. We must know that every problem is an opportunity in disguise, and one that can be transformed for a greater benefit.

Whenever I am faced with problems, I repeat to myself: “This moment is as it should be.” Last year I went through plenty of situations where I let go and put little effort on how things should be. Surprisingly, things went in an unexpectedly beautiful way.

5. The Law of Intention and Desire.

We have two qualities inherent in our consciousness: attention and intention. Attention energizes and intention transforms. Whatever we put our attention on will grow stronger in our lives and intention is the power behind desire. Desire alone is weak because desire in most people is attention with attachment. Intention combined with detachment, however, will bring about effective results.

Applying the law:
Chopra suggests making a list of our desires and keeping it with us. We should read it every day, especially when we first wake up in the morning. Then release it and trust that when things don’t go our way, there is a reason.

I’ve been practicing this for a while and expecting no results has brought me a sense of comfort. Even when things don’t work out the way I want, I trust that the universe has a plan for me much greater than the one I have for myself.

6. The Law of Detachment.

In order to acquire anything in the physical realm, we have to relinquish our attachment to it. However, this doesn’t mean we give up the intention to create our desire. We simply give up our attachment to the result, and the moment we let go of that, we will have that which we desire.

Applying the law:
We need to allow ourselves and those around us to be as they are. We shouldn’t impose the idea of how things should be on anything. Accepting uncertainty is our path to freedom. When we step into the field of all possibilities we will experience fun, adventure and magic.

Detachment from results, expectations and certainty has unraveled my need for tangible answers. Whatever I am trying to acquire at the moment, I detach from it which has given me a sense of inner freedom.

7. The Law of Dharma.

We all have a purpose in this life. We are here to discover our true self, which is spiritual. We’re not human beings that occasionally have spiritual experiences—we’re spiritual beings that have occasional human experiences.

Applying the law:
We should ask ourselves daily “How can I serve?” and “How can I help?” These questions will aid us in knowing how to serve our fellow human beings with love.

I’ve always believed that our purpose on earth is to love and be loved. However, being introduced to the Law of Dharma has assured me that it is our highest aim in life. I try to serve those around me with even the smallest deeds and this, in return, has love circulating all around me.

Understanding and applying the 7 Laws of Spiritual Success has helped me fulfill my deepest desires. I learned that I am as vast as the universe. We all are.

All we are missing is the belief in the potentiality we carry in our souls.


Author: Elyane Youssef

Editor: Nicole Cameron

Image: Lauren Peng/Unsplash


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