March 18, 2016

How to Tell if a Relationship is Karmic, Soulmate or Twin Flame.

We all desire to not just fall in love—but to be part of that “once in a lifetime” type of love story. Here’s how to differentiate between your love relationships: karmic, soulmate, or twin flame, as you move through life.

“Soulmates aren’t the ones who make you happiest, no. They’re instead the ones you make you feel the most. Burning edges and scars and stars. Old pains and pangs, captivation and beauty. Strain and shadows and worry and yearning. Sweetness and madness and dreamlike surrender. They hurl you into the abyss. They taste like hope.” ~ V.Erickson

As we are evolving, so are our romantic relationships.

No longer are we satisfied by those unions that are convenient or that seem to fulfill specific ideals that our families or society have taught us we should aspire to.

We are searching for that once in a lifetime crazy type of love—but what really separates twin flames from soulmates and karmic relationships?

The biggest truth is that one of these relationships isn’t better than the other—it just depends on what lifetime we are in, here on earth, and what lessons we currently are in the process of learning.

Sometimes we may experience none of these relationships in a lifetime, and in others we may experience all three.

The reality is that we often don’t truly realize which type of relationship we had until long after it’s passed and the lessons have been absorbed.

Characteristics of Karmic Love Relationships

One of the first relationships we usually enter into is a karmic one. Karmic relationships often are those lessons that we were unable to learn in a previous lifetime—these people aren’t meant to take it easy on us, because they are meant to change our way of life.

The addiction of karmic relationships is that it seems no matter how many tries we give it—it just doesn’t seem to work.

But that is because karmic relationships aren’t supposed to work out—we aren’t supposed to live our life with our karmic partner.

It’s hard to accept, because it’s usually not an issue of love, or even about compatibility.

Something is just off and doesn’t work, no matter how much we wish it did—but the worst decision we can make is to choose to not let go.

Karmic relationships burn hot and seem almost intoxicating at times, but the entire point of these types of relationships is to come into our lives, change us—and then leave.

Often times, those people who married and divorced young have married their karmic relationship, instead of letting them go when the time came.

The most important lesson for us is that we just have to be strong enough to let them move on when the time comes, because no matter what type of relationship we are in, we shouldn’t have to chain ourselves to it in order to not lose it.

Characteristics of Soulmate Love Relationships

Although some of us may experience several karmic relationships in our lifetime, the next stage after we conquer those lessons is often the soulmate love.

Soulmates can be just the best kind of love—they can be simple and sweet, yet as complex as the notes within a vintage Merlot.

Soulmates often are those we marry and choose to build a life with, because there is just a unique connection present. These are the feel good people in our lives, and they just seem to touch us on an entirely different level.

As wonderful as they can be though, soulmates don’t always take it easy on us.

One of the reasons that we get so confused by which type of relationship we are in, is because in all of these connections, challenges will be present.

None of these relationships are about appeasing us or making our egos comfortable.

Yet the soulmate differs from the karmic relationship by the type of lesson being learned and the way in which it is presented.

Karmic relationships are often about how we view the outside world and others—while the soulmate will trigger those internal lessons involving self-worth, fear, societal pressures and our worthiness of love.

We simply attract at whatever frequency we are currently vibrating on.

Soulmates are those who we feel an undeniable connection to—as if we’ve known one another before simply upon meeting.

The biggest indicator of a soulmate love is that they make us feel like it’s us that needs working on—not them or even issues that exist within the relationship.

Sometimes it’s even the feeling of not deserving the other person.

Certain soulmates come into our lives whose only purpose is to help us realize our greatness and to assist us in taking on those big questions involving the self and starting to discover the answers to further our evolution and process of self-awareness.

Soulmates are also the ones who care about us the most—versus the karmic lover whose only concern is of their own self and needs.

These beautiful types of bonds don’t necessarily have to be romantic even, for more often than not, we travel in similar soul circles within each lifetime—and those who are family aren’t necessarily those who we share blood with.

Characteristics of a Twin Flame Love Relationship

As transcending and eye-opening as the romantic relationship can be with a soulmate, it isn’t anything compared to the experience of being reconnected with our twin flame.

Twin flames are often regarded as an urban myth of the spiritually enlightened, but as society is raising their level of consciousness, the more this connection is occurring.

Twin flames are a mix of both karmic and soulmate tendencies—along with some entirely new qualities which will only further challenge our ego and sense of self.

Twin flames aren’t just those that we connect with on a soul level, but they are someone we share the same soul with.

As the theory states, twin flames were separated from one soul source in the beginning of time and split into two physical bodies.

There is a mirror like quality when we come into contact with our twin flame—everything that we have spent our lives running from or denying is suddenly in front of us.

These types of lovers confront us with our very fears and ego driven desires, but they aren’t just about what’s inside, they’re about how we interact with every facet of our life.

Not all of us will be reunited with our twin flame, but if we are, it has the possibility to be that once in a lifetime—ain’t nothing ever gonna be the same—type of love.

There will be challenges and fears present, without a doubt—there will be phases of running and chasing, depending upon the spiritual and personal development of both individuals.

But regardless of any of these challenges, it is possible to reunite and stay with our twin flame—although it is speculated that only occurs in one’s last lifetime here on earth.

How to Appreciate and Learn From ALL of Your Love Relationships in Life

Regardless of what type of romantic relationship we find ourselves in, there will be obstacles and challenges that have the potential to assist us in our growth and evolution.

The one important thing to remember through all of these types of relationship, is that if someone is trying to move on—it’s vital that we let them go.

Whether they are a karmic relationship whose only purpose is to come into our lives to be the catalyst of change, or if they are the soulmate whose here to challenge us to lovingly become the best person we can, or if they simply are our other half—there is no love that we will have to beg for or hold onto tightly to, out of fear of losing it.

Regardless of what type of relationship it is, the love we deserve is also the one that will want us as much we want it—because the truth is, if we do love someone, the only thing we can do is set them free, knowing that if it is meant to be—they will return.

And if they don’t, then they’re just one of the most beautiful lessons we’ll learn.





Author: Kate Rose

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

Photo: Unsplash

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