Want the job of your dreams? Or maybe you desire deeper and more fulfilling relationships?
Visualization is the “tool” the mind uses to create what we want in our lives.
There’s no need to get frustrated or intimidated by the process of visualization. It’s as easy as using a camera. The camera is one of those things in our physical world that reflects the power we have inside ourselves to create the life we desire. I have learned this through my studies in metaphysics and my work in filmmaking.
Imaging is the primary skill used in visualization. I will break the process down to explain it in simple and practical terms. The way to direct our mind will be explored in these four simple steps using the example of how a camera works to explain our mind’s ability to visualize and set goals to fulfill our desires.
1) Be clear on what you want
2) Image it often
3) Take action toward it
4) Be open to receive the opportunities around us.
The first step to using a camera is to point it towards what we want to capture.
When you push the button, it takes a picture of the image through the lens. Similarly, the first step in the mind is to direct your attention toward what you want. Form an image. The mind will create the image that you give it. Then set goals to get what you want. This gives the mind and imagination direction to move. Setting a goal of landing or creating your dream job is the example that will be used throughout this article.
The second step is to hold the camera still and focus.
If you shake the camera too much or keep pointing it at various objects without clearly knowing what you want to photograph, you most likely won’t get a great image. This would be similar to repeatedly changing your mind about your goals. It is crucial to have a clear goal so that you can give it the attention needed to create what you want. At this point it is important to focus, to continue to imagine your goal daily, meaning to see in your mind your goal achieved. For instance, image how it feels to have the new job; what it looks like when you are at that new job; and what kind of relationship you will have with your boss and your co-workers. See as many details as you can, including how you feel about it.
The third step is to take the picture.
This means to take action. You have already done the preparation work in the mind, now you need to take some physical action (press the button). The action speeds up the amount of time that it takes for you to fulfill your desire. For example, if you want a specific type of job, you may want to: study and research things you will need to know to perform the tasks required by the job; buy the clothes and materials you will need for the job; or meet with people who are in the field you desire so you can learn and move in that direction. These activities will aid or accelerate the achievement of your desires.
Landing a new job does not mean we have to do enormous amounts of physical activity. This is the wonderful benefit of using visualization as a step in getting what we desire. Less hard work! We don’t necessarily have to fill out 1000 applications for the job we desire, although that amount of inner determination would be very beneficial.
The steps we take to fulfill our goals for a new job could literally be as simple as telling one new person each day about what we are wanting. Some desires may take very little action, and some desires may take more action to achieve. Some goals literally happen over night and some may take weeks, months or years.
The important thing is to take some kind of action daily.
Even the simplest action such as getting to know someone new can be effective. For example you may be waiting in line at a coffee shop and greet the person waiting next to you. Ask them how their day is, what they have going on, maybe even where they work, or what they like to do. You never know. They could be the hiring manager at the job you are wanting, or know someone else who works there, or even have some sort of information that will pertain to you in achieving your goal. I think optimism and being open-minded to infinite possibilities is extremely important.
We must continue to expect that we will achieve our desire no matter how the path unfolds.
The fourth step is to receive and review our photograph or footage.
At this point, we have done all the work, now we just need to receive it. This means to be present and pay attention to the opportunities around us. You may literally get a call where you are offered the type of job you were wanting. Sometimes it may be exactly what we intended, and other times we may realize it’s not quite what we had in mind.
This is like taking an actual photo: sometimes you may have this beautiful photograph pictured in your mind, however, when it’s developed you realize it didn’t capture the image you wanted. It is helpful to receive your creation gracefully. I like to acknowledge what was great about the experience, and then look at what could be better. Then I go back to Step One with the updated information about my goal and go through the process until I create exactly what I want.
Just like any skill, the more we practice, the better we get and the easier the process will be.
A personal experience I had that demonstrates how I used visualization to achieve a goal with little activity occurred when I lived in Chicago a few years ago. I was beginning my career as a professional freelance filmmaker. One week I started to think: “I really desire to make a music video.”
So I started to visualize what that would be like. I continued to think about it a little bit each day. Then later on in that week I decided to take public transit to go to a gig where I was filming an interview. On the way back, carrying lots of gear I stepped foot onto the CTA Bus and literally the bus driver said, “Are you a videographer, and do you do music videos?” I lit up and said, “Yes!” Smiling, he said he had been thinking about how he wanted to meet someone to make his music video. He had been working as a CTA bus driver for months, saving and preparing to further his music career by making new albums.
I did make the music video for him and it was both a wonderful experience and a huge step forward on my career path of filmmaking. I have many experiences like this, of quickly fulfilling my desire, as well as some experiences where months of time and attention were required before I achieved my goal. Most of my creations took some sort of daily activity. I share this experience to show what we do with our mind and attitude is even more important than the physical activity.
Conclusion: Following these basic steps will allow us to begin tapping into the creative power of our mind.
Our mind is powerful when we focus it daily toward our goal. I am reaching my goals by applying what I have learned about how the mind works and the power of mental discipline through my metaphysical studies.
All you need do is set a clear goal, imagine achieving your goal daily, take some sort of daily activity towards the desire, and then be open to receive your creation. It takes practice.
Some goals may happen over night, and others may take months or years. What matters most is that you are clear on what you want, and that you consistently act on choices that are in alignment with your goal.
Relephant Read:
5 Simple Steps to Help you Achieve your Goals.
Author: Scott Hilburn
Editor: Sara Kärpänen
Photo: Paul Skorupskas / Unsplash
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