April 28, 2016

Today, I Honor my Feet. {Poem}

today I honor my feet

Today, I’m grateful for my feet.

How much trouble they’ve gotten me into, in their high heels and stockings, that I’ve learned from.
How much good they’ve done—in any shoes, in no shoes,
that made the world more perceptible as the glorious illusion that it is.
How they walked me away from a man who tried to control me,
how they walked back and forth in the hallway as I held and hummed to my babies,
how they showed up in aerobics classes in the 80s,
how they brought me to church when I really needed it, to 12-step meetings,
how they sped me away from an 18 year marriage that nearly killed me,
how they got me into bookstores and concerts and soul retrieval workshops
and yoga classes and therapists offices and meditation retreats….
and now how they get me downstairs to my little altar every morning,
and back up, so they can walk me next to my dog
who is dying of cancer, but for today,
is doing just fine.

Today, I honor my feet.


Author: Tina Lear 

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

Photo: Author’s own.

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