June 9, 2016

The Cast of Girls Has a Message for Us—“She is Someone.”

Clip from the video https://twitter.com/lenadunham/status/740589966070153216“Support, listen and take action. Not because she is someone’s daughter, girlfriend or sister, but because she is someone.”

Lena Dunham and the cast of Girls series dedicated a video to the survivor in the Stanford University sexual assault case.

She stated the following in her Twitter:

The video had retweeted over 12,000 times and got over 16,000 likes in the last 17 hours.

I wholeheartedly agree with Lena and her team with the statement. We need to talk.

We need to reach out to every girl (or a boy) who has experienced sexual harassment. Of any sort. To be there, to support, to listen. Even if we don’t know the person, if we see something on the street. Or unknown on the internet.

We are all equally important. You are someone. I’m someone. She is someone.


Author: Sara Kärpänen

Editor: Katarina Tavčar

Photo: Clip from the video 


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