July 14, 2016

Asparagus & Scallion Soup. {Vegan Recipe}

asparagus and scallions

Did you know that asparagus can improve your libido? Or that it cleanses the liver and is good for a hangover?

Well, get in there quick as we’re at the tail end of the season now—if you spy some fresh spears at your market, snap them up and enjoy while you can.

This light and delicious soup is quick and easy to make and perfect for a not-so-warm summer (as we’re having here in Ireland). It contains just three ingredients and from prepping to serving, we’re talking only 20 minutes to lunch.

To make four to five generous servings you’ll need (roughly) seven ounces of scallions (spring onions), ten ounces of asparagus (after the woody ends have been trimmed) and two pints of vegetable stock (I use a high quality bouillon).

Gently heat around a tablespoon of oil in a saucepan and add the chopped scallions and season with salt. Allow to soften over a moderate heat for two to three minutes before adding the chopped asparagus.

Lower the heat, stir and cover for one minute, allowing the asparagus and scallions to sweat together.

Add the stock and bring to the boil. Then lower the heat once more and simmer for five minutes.

Blend with a hand blender—and, tada, it’s ready to enjoy.



Asparagus A-Z: Everthing you Need to Know about Asparagus, in 26 Bites.


Author: Hilda Carroll

Image: Her Feast And Famine/Flickr & Author

Editors: Catherine Monkman; Emily Bartran

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