July 15, 2016

How to Celebrate your Birthday in the Buddhist Tradition.

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents elephant journal live.

It’s Waylon’s birthday tomorrow so in today’s elephant journal Facebook live stream, he offers advice on how to celebrate our birthday in a mindful, joyful way.

“If you want to be of benefit, it’s easy to wake up in the morning.” ~ Waylon Lewis

He also touches in on getting out of our little cocoon and how stress is not necessarily a bad thing. Check the video below for the good stuff:

Join us on Facebook every Monday through Friday at 11 am MST on Facebook.com/elephantjournal.

Relephant reads:

How to Celebrate one’s Birthday in the Buddhist Tradition.

Pema Chodron: How to do Tonglen, a meditation practice for difficult times.

Stress is Good for You.

Buddhist rule re: Worrying.

Lha, Nyen & Lu: an Enlightened way to Organize your Life.

Video: Death comes without Warning.

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