August 4, 2016

No Utensils? No Problem.

Author's own (Peggy Markel)

Eating with one’s hands is a sensual, connected, primitive delight.

The mix of flavors and one-on-one contact of fingers and food to the mouth is nothing short of nurturing ourselves on a deep level.

Skin-to-skin contact happens when we’re infants. From there we naturally learn to eat and to be fed.

In many cultures, mothers then feed their children solid food by hand, not by spoon. The nurturing quality of being fed by the mother creates a bond and a trust that grows as natural confidence until the child can feed himself independently.

To eat with one’s hands as adults is awkward until you get the hang of it. When you do, it’s sublime.

Eating mindfully and slowly becomes sacred.


~ Join Peggy on a culinary adventure in Morocco or Spain and learn more about mindful eating. ~



How Ayurveda Inspires Mindful Eating.


Author: Peggy Markel

Image: Author’s own

Editor: Katarina Tavčar

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