September 3, 2016

When my Heart Bottoms out—will you Catch Me? {Poetry}

A photo posted by Goya Rosé (@goya.rose) on

With great conviction, my heart was made—
In molten realms,
oceans deep.

It is resilient, kind and strong,
Filled with warmth and space.
A place to unmask your face
and shelter from the storm.

It could weave the glinting eye of nature,
with dynasties of the wind.
It could house a thousand swimming turtles,
abreast. Akin.

It’s got commodious chambers,
lush with fertile earth,
fresh air
and finery, unseen.

Yet, it is fierce,
Like a wind furnace,
Filled with embers.

It burns.

Sometimes, it frightens me.

It holds great burdens, in its own time—
And releases them to the winds.

Stronger and stronger, each time.
I am grateful—for this heart of mine.

It’s made of craggy mountains,
tipped with snow
and the depth of a raging ocean,
down below.
It knows.

And then it sees you.
like an anemone,
swallows itself.

My bones seem ill at ease.
I am a mariner,
Adrift in an epic sea.

I’ve lost my sea legs.
I laugh and cringe as they rattle,
like two bowling pins, beneath me.

I feel strong—afraid—strong—afraid.
Back in the rooms of my heart,
The floor gives way.

Will you catch me?


Author: Catherine Simmons

Image: Instagram @goya.rose

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

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