October 10, 2016

Approaching Change with Childlike Curiosity.

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There comes a time in our life when we are called to be born again.

What this means is that we’ve reached a pivotal period in life, where all that we’ve known, no longer serves our growth of sound mind, body and spirit.

For myself, this time of life has strongly beckoned me just this year, although I’ve recognized this looming feeling lingering deep within for quite some time now. Where I was before has clearly served its purpose, and despite working hard to remain in place—within the beloved mountains I’ve called home for so long—it’s become clear finally, in my mind, that my purpose there has been served.

We learn to trust this intuitive nature over time, as evidenced in how our lives are being guided and directed. When we feel lost, we begin to derail, and life gradually descends into a downward spiral that can become quite devastating and difficult to rise up from—unless we realize this soon enough. Beyond that, we must simply be willing to act in accordance with what the universe is ushering us toward.

Earlier in the year, I began to envision my life elsewhere. Some new place in time, where I might invent a new lifestyle, forged around the person I’ve become, with the acknowledgement of what I’d be leaving behind. It struck me finally, that Colorado might be that next place where I could reside.

Without any certainty or assurance that this was the right move for me, I continued to trust in what the Divine was indicating to me. Much time was spent outdoors, in nature, more so than I’ve probably ever spent before this year. There was no reasoning or logic to support such a decision, other than my own reckoning that what was, no longer appeals to the life I wish to be leading now, as an independent facet of creation—awakening dreams, to meet their reality, through potential.

Much confusion, heartache and pain ensued, along with newfound realizations and revelations each new week that passed, while the overshadowing intensity of this move transpiring closed in. My comfort zones were clung to, with less and less ferocity as I gradually let slip my grasp of all those who’ve occupied space in my life for so long—people, places and things; memories of what was.

Following through with moving forward into a mysterious horizon, I found myself suddenly it seems, at a whim, in an entirely new place, which only a short time before was nothing but a vivid representation of what Spirit was calling upon me to oblige.

I found myself alone—in an alien frontier, in the shadow of darkness with nothing more than a backpack, hopes and newly transpiring dreams of what would become in each new waking moment. One day, while walking about this newfound place in time, it occurred to me, the naivety of it all—my choices to go where I’d never been before. To leap with an ounce of courage, to shed the immense fear and attachment to nearly eight years of my past life, no longer feeding the likeness of my soul.

Oddly enough, parts of this story of which no new chapter had been written before now, began to write themselves. Finding new meaning in every new situation and acknowledging all of these new strangers, soul mates who I’ve surely met before, but am only greeting now, for the first time in this waking life, began to emerge. Immense gratitude began to infiltrate the space I so dearly occupy each day, and blessings seemed to be answered as I embraced that all of my needs, as basic as most are, are met with perfect timing.

Obstacles were faced with wonder, rather than defeat, and what used to be fearful to my nature instead manifest as opportunities to meet these new challenges with a new sense of faith and compassion—foresight. Healing began in many avenues of my life, both mentally and spiritually, while I noticed a physical shift in my body too.

My perspective of what life was and how I view it today is slowly birthing its new reality. That wonder and naivety that children innately possess is finding a place within me once again, as I look around and simply appreciate life and its glory—to be here and now, alive and full of spirit. Tears have been shed, while grace has been given to what’s haunted me for so long up until now.

Forgiveness has found itself in the space of mind and heart. I’m able to look upon others in a new light and also see myself differently now in many ways, too. More love, overall, exists within and throughout, and I only wish to continue radiating the same from here, forward. A naive child at heart, standing tall as a brave warrior, resounding in nature.



Author: Thayne Ulschmid

Image: Instagram @walkthetalkshow

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

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