I Wonder
Who came up with the thought to own land,
and then possessing even stones, water and sand?
Nothing in this world will soon be cost free,
price tag will even be set to the air we breathe.
I Wonder
Who came up with the plan to divide and rule?
Who first spent lifetime running for gold like a fool?
Who first thought of gathering assets?
who felt the need to be superior and dominate the rest?
I Wonder
How the world has eventually reached this point of time,
where success only means material possessions, paper and coins?
Why don’t we learn from so many who lived and passed away,
that these things are only meant to stay.
I Wonder
How religions are perceived these days,
values and morals are not important, only dominance rules the play.
The legends like Buddha, Jesus or Sai,
who actually presented a way to live and love life
if only could look back in time.
I can only wonder what their reactions would be like.
Man first sold himself and then even his God.
Just thank the creator that the Sun, Moon and Stars are too far.
I Wonder
How the world would be far back in time,
when the concept of money hadn’t conquered human mind.
When jealous and greed were not even words.
Hunger, hatred, feelings like these were never even heard.
I wonder if ever there were times this unique,
when life was more precious than any material thing.
And I wonder.
Author: Ankur Gandotra
Image: With the permission of Tareck Raffoul
Editor: Sara Kärpänen
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