November 8, 2016

6 points of mindful speech.

Instagram @elephantjournal

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

Six points of mindful speech.

Six points of mindful speech.

Disagree agreeably.

1. Speak slowly.

2. Enunciate clearly.

3. Listen to yourself.

4. Listen to others.

5. Regard Silence as a part of speech.

6. Speak concisely.

“We defeat our enemies when we make our friends.”  ~ Abraham Lincoln


Basic Goodness.


How to Vote.

Let’s remember how to disagree agreeably:




We all want a safe, happy, productive society for our children and loved ones:


We can agree to disagree with our friends:


We are all patriots if we vote:



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Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Images: Instagram @waylonlewis, Instagram @ecofolks, Instagram @elephantjournal





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