December 12, 2016

I am so Curious about You. {A Love Note, of Sorts.}

greta garbo vintage couple love

I can’t help wondering about you.

What is your name? Where do you live? How will we meet? When will we meet?

I am eager to get to know you:

What makes you laugh? 

Do you ever cry? (And why?)

What are all the things that qualify as fun for you? 

Do you fight fair? 

Do you enjoy a lazy day in bed on occasion? (Or even a not-so-lazy one?)

What are your vulnerabilities? And will you trust me with them?

I wonder if we will agree on many things—or few.

I wonder if the attraction will be immediate, or a slow burn. And if we’ll be forever loves—or next loves, helping each other on the way to our forever loves?

Let’s be important loves. Big Loves. Forever Loves—even if we do part ways and move on to other loves.

I wonder, what will be the thing that draws us to one another? What will be the glue that keeps us together—if we do manage to remain a “we”?

I wonder what colour your eyes are. Do you smile readily? Are you shy?

I hope you’re a big cuddler, kisser, hand-holder, spooner.

Please be an animal-lover.

I wonder, will it be love at first sight? Or lust? (I’m good with lust—I trust it more. “Love at first sight” has the potential to be deluded, or a projection. Lust will motivate us to get to know each other better, truly—and real love can then grow.)

How do you feel about middle-aging gray-cefully? I stopped dying my hair a year ago, and I swear, it’s helping me to become more comfortable in my own skin. (Are you graying too? Or balding? I’m just curious—and either is fine by me.)

Do you have kids? Do you want them? If so, do they have to be of your own flesh and blood, or are you willing to love and parent a child already in this world, but in need of a loving home? If I’m good with none, will that be a deal-breaker for you?

What do you do for work? And do you like it? I hope it makes your heart sing!

When will I get to make your heart sing? When will you set mine alight?

So many questions, ponderings, musings…I’m looking forward to discovering the answers.




Author: Hilda Carroll

Image: public domain

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina


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